The September F.A.R.M. Club meeting will be on September 10th
due to Labor Day
weekend. The meeting will be held at the Warren County Fairgrounds at
6:00 pm.
This will be the Sunday before our show at Oeder’s
attendance is very
Please remember to bring your items
for the goody bags. Also bring
any door prizes you have received. I
need to get everything together and organized
before the show. Thanks for your help.
Please bring your raffle ticket money
to the meeting.
You will find two free passes for the
show enclosed in this newsletter.
If you want more you
can buy them at the September meeting for $1.00 each.
The Club extends heartfelt “get well
wishes” to Walt Biggs, Sr. who’s
from a recent stroke. Our thoughts are
also with Jerry Brown on his
shoulder surgery on Sept. 1st.
2nd & 3rd –
Sunday 7:00am to
4:00pm (breakfast 7 to 11)
Sept. 8th –
10th –
Sept. 15, 16, & 17th
F.A.R.M. Club Show at Oeder’s
Sept. 22 – 24th – Old
Timers Days,
Oct. 21st –
Check the website “”
for more show information.
If you have any questions, please
contact one of our three directors:
Homer Hurtt
513-932-5217: Russ Rolke 513-248-2501: Walt Biggs, Sr. 513-932-7732
See you at the
Meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pat Hacker